Top Sales 2016 through 2023

(Royalty Group 13 Years)

Re/Max Executive Club 2010 & 2011



“Overall, Robert demonstrated a sincere interest in our housing goals, and our neighbourhood, as well as us.  He achieved a high level of trust. We would not hesitate to give him an excellent recommendation for anyone looking for a trustworthy, hardworking, and knowledgeable real estate agent.”

Michael and Hélène Redding. January 2020

Thanks Rob!

“Your guidance and effort have been much appreciated!  Our lives have been crazy at work with covid etc...!”


Dr. Ravi Sidhu & Dr. Pavarthy Nair. March 2020

Rob Rivington 7.jpeg

why put your trust in me?

There is an endless list of criteria for selecting the person to guide you through one of the most substantial decisions of your life. What do I have to offer you might ask? I have to tell you that after fifteen years of helping people buy and sell Real Estate in the greater Vancouver Area, along with 25 years of very pragmatic decision making in the Aviation Industry, I bring a professional, calm, down to earth approach to this hectic process, and a confidence to put you at ease. This allows you to spend your energy where it belongs, on family decisions and product choices. I have a solid background as an Engineer, and I worked as a Carpenter in the 80's to pay for my College Education. These two trades along with my Real Estate training at Re Max, and now The Royalty Group, combine to give you a solid Realtor who can not only look after all your legal requirements, but also be there with answers on Rain Screening, Drainage Requirements, Roof Life, and any number of other questions that pop up with every viewing, or inspection.

I have a lifetime fascination with Canada's West Coast, and a solid record of buying and selling Investments in a world that gets more complicated every year. Whether your Buying or Selling, pick up the phone today, and give me a call.

Lets start this process together.


My previous career in aviation brought me to a new perspective on the world. It changes your view on what you will call Home, and re-defines what you call a secure and sound investment. Everyone who knows me, knows how I feel about living on the West Coast. This is one of the most desirable places on earth to hang your hat and raise your family. I spent twenty five years flying to every corner of the globe. I've seen the world from the top of Kilimanjaro and Table Mountain,Kayaked the Zen Infused Rivers of Japan, and strolled the Lovers Walks of West lake in Hangzhou. There are some comparable Cities out there. There are even cities that do some things better than Vancouver. Like the Beaches of Sydney, or the Bicycle friendly streets of Amsterdam, and the dreamy atmosphere of a City like Paris. But for a happy life, and a diverse lifestyle, with a very secure investment climate, in a country that is the envy of the World. There is no other place like Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. 

My goal is to sell your home for the most money in the least amount of time with the least inconvenience to you, through diligent, enthusiastic execution of my proven marketing strategies.
— Robert Rivington

I have met many people through out my career, many have become great friends, and many of them are still Ex.Pats in some "Exotic" part of the world. If there is one wish I have for my friends around the world, it would be to find you a safe and secure Investment here in Vancouver. From handling tenants, to managing complex  renovations, to keeping Revenue Canada happy.  I did it all from half way around the world. And I can do this for you, right now, today, with my contacts in Property Management, Construction and Ex-Pat Accounting. So when you decide to come back to Canada, your nest egg will be waiting for you, Mortgage Free and Secure of Title. Keeping our investments in British Columbia during our Ex. Pat years proved to be the smartest investment we ever made. As the world melted down around us in 2008/2009, Vancouver was preparing for the 2010 Olympics, and Real Estate was on fire. Please read my Blog to see what I think the future holds for this amazing city of tomorrow.


Are you considering buying or selling in the near future? See what Rob’s clients are saying about his level of service.


Names provided upon personal request…

"Robert’s knowledge and professionalism helped us to price our house competitively in a tight market and simplified the various phases of the real estate transaction. We wouldn't hesitate to recommend him to our friends and associates."

"Robert is highly motivated and very professional. He worked very hard at trying to sell our house. When he did sell, he spent a lot of time finding us a house to suit our needs." We couldn’t be happier!

"We were impressed by the thorough research Robert did on our behalf, and by his willingness to spend a lot of time with us. On Rob’s advice we had priced it to sell, and it did!"

Selling? Call for a Free Property Evaluation. CMA ( Comparative Market Evaluation)

Listing? Call for a Free Interior Design Consultation ( :"Designer-For-Rent". 778-994-1747)  

"For the advice you thought you couldn't afford."

A “Friend’s” Farewell Is Like Dust From The Road; It Sinks In As One Tries to Slough it off.